음악방/나의 연주

첫사랑 by Götze

볕좋은마당 2011. 11. 1. 22:33

3/4박자의 보헤미아 춤곡인 Redowa 리듬으로 된 짧은 곡이다. 분위기가 좋아서 녹음했는데, 첫사랑의 분위기가 잘 표현됐는지는 의문. (그냥 악보에 '첫사랑'이라고 쓰여있는데 원제목도 그런지는 모르겠다.) 


작곡자는 Walter Götze로 상당히 생소한 이름. 그래서 찾아보니 독일의 오페레타와 레뷔(시사풍자 익살극) 작곡가였다.


<첫사랑> by W. Götze                                                       (Recorded on Nov 1, 2011)



Walter Wilhelm Goetze [sometimes Götze] (17 April 1883 in Berlin – 24 March 1961 in Berlin) was a German composer of operettas and revues.


Goetze began as composer of songs; the first of his many works for the stage was the revue Nur nicht drängeln (Don't Rush) in 1912, followed by his first operetta Der liebe Pepi (The Charming Pepi) in 1913. His most successful works in this form were Ihre Hoheit, die Tänzerin (1919) which achieved almost 700 performances in Berlin alone, Adrienne (1926) and Der goldene Pierrot (1934).


Other successful numbers from his other works include "Was wär' mein Lied, könnt' ich's dir nicht singen" ("What would my song be if I couldn't sing it to you") from Der Page des Königs (The King's Page) (1933) and "Das Branntweinlied" ("The Brandy Song") from Adrienne (1926).


출처: Wikipedia


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